Building up believers to REACH the Cape Flats

Three churches of the REACH-SA denomination work together to build up Christians in their faith and equip them to share their faith with their neighbours. At our meetings the bible is central and we work hard to interpret it correctly. Our teaching aims to expose the meaning of the text, encouraging a response of faithful obedience.

St Luke’s
Mitchells Plain West

Sunday Meetings at 10:00
4 Gladiator St Rocklands,
Contact: Len Ritchie 0824341763

Trinity Church
Mitchells Plain East

Sunday Meetings at 10:00
6 Palestrina Street, Eastridge
Contact: Lorenzo Arnolds 0720609945

St Paul’s
Lavender Hill

Sunday Meetings at 10:00
1 Hek Street, Lavender Hill
Contact: Andrew Barnes 0843891575